Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/158

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Round Six
Barnaby's Grudge

A few thousand years ago Mr. Roscoe Q. Anonymous snatched a lead pencil from a passin' pedestrian and dashed off the followin' applesauce:

A little nonsense now and then
Is relished by the wisest men!

This guy Anonymous has wrote plenty wise cracks and ample stories, but most of his best stuff has only saw the light of day in smokin' rooms and what used to be known as saloons when cracked ice and seltzer had a real mission in life. Now and then one of his snappy little anecdotes about the travelin' salesman or the young honeymooners pops up, but they lack the tang they used to have when served with the old private stock. Or maybe they was just as uncomical then, but we thought them riots after a session with the cup that queers. Anyways, that statement about a occasional dose of nonsense bein' required by the best of us contains more than a few drops of truth. There's a touch of clown in us all, and I bet there's many a digni-