Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/179

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choice, we done like we was told till we come to a clearin' in the woods, and there a sight met our eyes which caused Ptomaine to let out a wild beller, and lowerin' his head, he butted the two cut-ups nearest him flat on their backs. With great presence of mind, I kicked the ones next to me right in the shins and their surprised howls was sweet music to my ears. The next minute them young fiends ties up our legs and rolls us to one side of the way.

What caused us to run amuck was Kid Roberts, blindfolded, gagged, and bound to a tree! He was likewise drippin' wet, and a pond nearby furnished the answer to that! Whilst me and Ptomaine rolls around helplessly on the ground, bustin' with rage but unable to do anything, the pleasin' subject of tarrin' and featherin' Kid Roberts is discussed by the students and fin'ly voted down. Had they ever done that, we would of bumped each and everyone of them babies off if we had to chase 'em all over the world!

From chance remarks I managed to pick up, I found out that this gang of half wits had presented Kid Roberts with what they call a "hazin'" in dear old college. Apparently, their antics had been more humiliatin' than injurious to anything but the Kid's temper. If you think it strange that they was able to manhandle a ex-heavyweight champ, don't forget they all scaled around two-hundred pounds, was built in proportion, in football condition, had took the Kid by surprise and was about twenty against one! Dempsey would of had to bow to that type of a mob!

After these educated ruffians had amused them-