Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/183

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around with glee. From the ground I yelled to Kid Roberts to make Barnaby lead to him and then beat him to the punch.

Barnaby tried another uppercut, but it fell short as the Kid danced lightly away. They went into another clinch, durin' which Barnaby tried to use his heavier build to wrestle Kid Roberts to the ground. Some short, stiff chops to the wind, how the so ever, drove that idea out of Jamesy's head, and a terrible right to the heart made him break ground, open-mouthed and gaspin'.

"Let him fall, Kid!" roars Ptomaine, but Barnaby's back was innocent of yellow, I'll say that for him. He side-stepped a left and again uppercut hard with his right, bringin' Kid Roberts up on his toes and startin' the gore flowin' from the ex-champion's nose and mouth. At this stage, either through carelessness or luck, the Kid actually seemed to be a mark for Barnaby's right uppercut and the football star's team mates was crazy with joy.

After steppin' around each other carefully for a full minute, Kid Roberts woke up and jabbed Barnaby four times to the mouth without a return and then cut the collegian's eye with a straight right. A overhand left to the same spot closed the optic tight, and the maddened Barnaby rushed, only to be met with a storm of rights and lefts to the stomach that dropped him to his knees for the second knockdown.

Kid Roberts was cool now and timin' his blows carefully, whilst Barnaby, hurt and enraged by his inability to stop this remarkable "poet," had completely