Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/195

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was duckin' a fight with the Kid and demand Young or nobody! I even thought of claimin' the world's championship, since Young refused to box us for it. Ptomaine Joe generously offered to fight Knockout Ford and Fred Fleming in the same ring, just to get 'em out of the Kid's way. The air is full of advice and wild schemes, when Kid Roberts cuts us both off short.

"Boys, perhaps Toledo Eddie is right!" he says. "Maybe the sporting public would like to see me dispose of Ford and Fleming before going against the champion. You know it's months since they've seen me with gloves on around here. I also think that a couple of stiff fights under my belt before meeting Young would be the greatest training I could possibly get and——"

"But why take a chance, Kid?" I butt in. "You rate a fight with Young right now and we all know that means the world's title and a million bucks for you. On the other hand, Ford and Fleming—well, you know how good them birds is! Suppose one of 'em should get lucky and bounce you? Even Young don't wish no part of them guys! It looks like a sucker play to me, Kid—let's hold out for the champ or nobody!"

But Kid Roberts shakes his head.

"Joe, that would only be delaying the inevitable," he says. "If I met and defeated Young now, I'd have to give either Ford or Fleming first chance at the championship, as they'd still be the outstanding contenders. I never got anywhere avoiding an issue and I'm not going to start that system now! Toledo Ed-