Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/206

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town! That movie company you entertained up-State was the bunk, the so-called Myrtle Magnificent don't know a lens from a ice-cream freezer and the alleged director was only sprung from the Big House two weeks ago. The rest of the gang was his mob and they're good, I'll say they're good!"

I'm dumfounded!

"But, look here, what was the big idea?" I gasp, in a panic-stricken voice. "Why should they clown with us?"

"Clown your grandmother!" says Reilly. "Them birds don't never clown—they did a first-class job! They've just about made Kid Roberts a set-up for Knockout Ford, that's all. The Kid's a nine-to-five favorite now, which means somebody will cut a juicy meron wien your boy goes out! The near-movie gang was hired by the big operators——and, listen, I had nothin' to do with it. I don't mind stripes in a suit, but I don't want to wear that suit for no ten years, get me?"

"But what—" I began wildly.

"Gimme a chance to talk, will you?" Reilly cuts me off. "Every night the movies of the Kid's daily workouts was rushed to New York, where every punch was carefully studied by Knockout Ford and his pilot. That's just one angle. They put a lot of dazzlin' lights around the ring up in your camp, didn't they? Sure, they did! Well, how's the Kid's eyes to-day? I'll lay eight to five he couldn't see the East River from Brooklyn Bridge!"

"But that—that woman gave him a lotion," I pants,