Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/210

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got him through a swiftly growin' astonished mob into his dressin' room, where he fell on the rubbin' table and panted for breath like a freshly hooked trout.

"Go out and tell the promoter and the newspaper guys to come in here right away!" I say to Ptomaine. "We got to postpone this fight! We can't—"

"Nonsense—I'm all right!" butts in the Kid, gaspin'ly. "That flyer must have gone crazy. Joe! He——"

I shut him off to tell him quickly all "Honest-Dollar" Reilly had spilled in my ears and you never in your life seen a guy do a snap-in like Kid Roberts done when I got through! The newspapers panned me to a fare-thee-well for lettin' the Kid go in there in the shape he was in, but I simply couldn't stop the boy. He was a ravin' maniac which wanted Knockout Ford's heart, what I mean!

The thunderin' cheer which greeted Kid Roberts as he reached the ring a half hour later immediately give way to a groan as he staggered and almost fell tryin' to climb through the ropes. His eyes was red-rimmed and smartin' from them Kleig lights and Myrtle Magnificent's "lotion," he's still sick and sufferin' from that wild ride through the clouds, but his jaw is set hard, his head up, and his gamester's heart pumpin' fightin' blood through his powerful body! When they come together for the referee's instructions in the middle of the ring, Knockout Ford sized the shaky Kid up and licked his lips expectantly. The big crowd, lookin' for a quick, spectacular finish, sat quiet and tense. I had the towel ready to toss in early, seein' our champion-