Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/213

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swung wildly and often, once fallin' full length to the canvas when he overreached himself in tryin' to land 'a haymaker. Ford was now makin' a choppin' block out of him! A right to the ribs made the Kid wince and Ford followed that with two smashes to the head that had Kid Roberts reelin' around the ring like a drunk and some of the crowd hollerin': "Stop it!" The Kid must of heard that, because he looked over Ford's shoulder at me and shook his head vigorously: "No!" He would of croaked me had I ever throwed in that towel for him whilst he was a boxer! Ford floored the Kid with a straight left just before the end of this round and Roberts was takin' a count when the bell rung. Ford's round.

Knockout Ford looked worried when he come out for the fifth. He'd hit Kid Roberts with all he had in stock, punched him from pillar to post and twice dropped him—yet there was the Kid still on his feet and tryin'! Not so good! The crowd was now with Kid Roberts almost to a man, as they always are with a gamester, win or lose! For the first time Ford begin missin' with his deadly straight left and seemed uncertain on his plan of battle, whilst the Kid was gettin' stronger every minute. He clipped Ford with a long overhand right to the head and sunk both gloves wristdeep to the wind as Ford tried to clinch. Ford begin back pedalin' and the crowd yelled for him to fight. The Kid shot a hard left and right to his face, the right openin' a deep gash in Ford's cheek and Mr. Ford covered up and waited. "Go on, lead, you big tramp!" howls the crowd at him, and a newspaper guy says