Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/215

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erts all over the ring, till the Kid shook him off and plastered him with rights and lefts to the jaw that put the attendance insane! Ford rallied and shot a left hook to the heart and the Kid laughed a bloody chuckle at him. Then they stood shoulder to shoulder and tossed terrific rights and lefts into each other's mid-section, till Ford give ground with a appealin' look at his corner. The Kid ducked a left and right and countered with two of the same that didn't do Ford a bit of good. A short clinch followed, broke up by the gong. Kid Roberts's round.

As it stood now, Ford had took four rounds to the Kid's two, but the Kid was gettin' fresher, whilst Ford seemed to of shot his bolt and was arm-weary and disheartened. His seconds worked frantically over him in his corner and his manager poured a stream of advice in his ringin' ears. Around the ring the odds shifted to 13 to 5 on Roberts and I thought of them sure-thing gamblers and laughed out loud.

The end arrived with startlin' suddenness. Both came out kind of weary for Round Seven. They danced cautionsly about each other till the crowd got loudly impatient and bawled for action. They certainly got service! Ford led a straight left. Kid Roberts ducked the blow and countered wickedly to Ford's head. Ford again tried his left, landin' heavily on the Kid's neck, but almost at the same instant the Kid shot a right to the chin. That punch licked Knockout Ford. It dazed him badly and before he could cover up, Kid Roberts whipped a torrid right uppercut to his jaw. Ford reeled for a split second and then