Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/225

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"Fine—but I didn't think nobody could notice it!" says Ptomaine, puttin' a hamlike hand to his mouth and draggin' out a plate with six teeth in it. "'At dentist done a good job at that, hey? Some people claims they can't stand a bridge in their mouth, but—"

Richard and his sister is roarin' with laughter, and I glared at this mug.

"Park them tusks back in your pan and be yourself, Stupid!" I says. "Your manners and a pig's is the same! Bridge is a game of cards and nobody but intelligent people can learn it."

"Then what will you do whilst we're playin' it?" asks Ptomaine.

To avoid the approachin' violence which he seen in my eye, the grinnin' Richard suggested dealin' each of us a card and whoever was high would name the game. Diana got a ace and selected some harmless pastime which five could play and which at this minute I don't even remember. That's simply a little detail and the big things which happened within the hour drove all little details out of my mind!

It was very plain that this betless card playin' thrilled Mr. Richard Pearson about as much as a shower bath would thrill Noah. You could see he was good and sore at his fair sister for stoppin' the poker tourney he had so fondly desired, but bein' a gentleman he said nothin' and made a praiseworthy pretence of gettin' interested in the kindergarten pastime we was engaged at. Already double cuckoo over Diana, Ptomaine made the game even less excitin' by deliberately misplayin' time and time again in order to help her