Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/274

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another cheer, the first time he ever heard that leavin' a ring in his life.

"Listen 'at 'em babies!" he says to me, grinnin' proudly. "'At's what you call a real send-off. I told you I had the right dope. To hell with tryin' to stop these guys, 'at's something I can't do—but don't I lose like nothing' you ever seen before?"

How would you like a guy like that around you all day?

Well, with the cheaper help through for the night, the great throng sits forward on the chairs in a fever of excitement, awaitin' the battle many of 'em had come hundreds of miles to see. In what bettin' there was around the ring, the champ and Kid Roberts was held at even money and take your pick—a bit unusual in a title fight—but in sentiment the big crowd was overwhelmin'ly for Kid Roberts, Perhaps every thrilled man and woman packed in that arena was familiar with the Kid's history and his sensational comeback in the ring and now when he stood at the threshold of winnin' the world's championship they was pullin' for him heart and soul! Even the boys which figured Young would surely take him cheered the Kid madly when we climbed through the ropes, ten minutes before the champ and his handlers come down the aisle to a thunderous roar of applause. The weights was announced as Kid Roberts 194½, Bob Young 197, and for once they was right.

There was a long delay before the fight got under way, caused by Toledo Eddie Hicks findin' fault with this and protestin' about that. Eddie objected to every-