Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/317

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mornin' mail brung me the followin', marked "Personal!" and wrote on heavy, monogrammed paper, which smelled like the inside of a overstocked florist's:

My Dear Joe:

It is of the utmost importance that I see you at once and confidentially on a matter of mutual interest. I will be at home tomorrow at three and will expect you. Please don't fail me!


Dolores Halliday.

Well, here was somethin' which couldn't be laughed off, much as I would of loved to of done so. I knew what that young lady wanted to see me about, as well as if she'd of come right out with it in her note!

Election Day happened to fall on the same date as the Kid Roberts-Guardsman Blue entertainment and Dolores was satisfied that this odd coincidence would bring her nothin' but grief at the polls. She was bankin' heavy on the votes of her high society friends to return her a winner and she figured that the notoriety of the Kid's pugilistic endeavors would annoy them babies and cause 'em to leave the day's ballotin' in the hands of the workin' man, where it belongs. Dolores had long ago counted the votes of the rough and raucous precincts as somethin' she'd never get, thinkin' that them jazzbos was greatly against the speaker sex in politics. That was a good thought,