Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/326

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be sold on this cuckoo, though she give no other evidences of insanity. She was also a boxin' fan and Ptomaine used that weakness to build her up, which he done to the Queen's taste! There was scarcely a night when they wasn't steppin' out somewheres, and, Ptomaine, now the heavy boy friend, was in hock to everybody in the camp from takin' his sweetie to theatres, dinners, cabarets and whatnot. He spent the few hours he was absent from Hilda's side concoctin' warm love letters to her in penmanship which would of befuddled all the handwritin' experts in the world. You could take one of Ptomaine's letters to a Chinese laundry and get a package of collars with it, any time! In a maniacal outburst of generosity, he also give her a couple of ringside seats for the big fight, assurin' her he would take the greatest of pleasure in assassinatin' Rough House Williams for her amusement.

In the meanwhile, Election Day and the championship battle was swiftly drawin' near. Dolores was makin' a whirlwind stump-speakin' tour of New York in a last-minute appeal for votes and one day Kid Roberts startled me by announcin' his intentions of goin' into town to hear one of his wife's speeches. He says it was somethin' more than mere curiosity which interested him and arguments against it proved useless, With the Guardsman Blue pogrom only a week off, I most certainly didn't want to take no risks with my champion and I was afraid a accident might happen if he left the guarded confines of our camp. Kid Roberts laughed at my childish fears, but a accident did happen, nevers the less!