Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/339

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shoved half a orange in the Kid's mouth and showered instructions on him with the water. The votin' disclosed that Dolores was makin' a trifle better showin' and this seemed to interest the Kid more than the fact that he was now defendin' his world's championship with one hand!

"Pay attention to me, now, Kid!" I whisper in his ear. "Keep in close and pound this mug's heart with your left. I don't think he likes 'em down below! Are you listenin'?" I adds, slappin' him sharply on the shoulder.

He starts like he'd been asleep.

"By Gad!" he mutters, dreamily, "I think she'll be elected, after all!"

Then he skipped out for the third round.

Up to this innin', the showin' of Kid Roberts had been a severe disappointment to his admirers, which knew nothin' about his cracked right hand. The speedy Englishman seemed to be hittin' the champ at will and the Kid's famous right hook, or "Iron Mike", as the sport writers had christened it, could of been checked at the box office for all the use it was to him. They screamed at him to start somethin' as he met Blue in the center of the ring and start somethin' he did!

Guardsman Blue had evidently got the word from his seconds to throw caution to the winds and cut loose with everything he had in a try for a knock out. The Britisher's handlers was hep to the Kid's broken right hand and they joyfully figured they had the new world's champion in their corner. The