Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/341

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Blue covered up and wanted to clinch, but the Kid boxed him off, left-handin' him all over the ring and usin' the broken right for defensive purposes only. Blue managed to slip over a couple of body punches, but he looked tired and the blows seemed to lack force. On the other hand, Kid Roberts was as strong as a bull. Actin' on the hysterical advice from his corner, the Englishman bored in and found the champion more than willin' to mix. Nobody sat down as they stood up to each other and exchanged lefts and rights to head and body. A savage right uppercut got past the champion's guard and he dropped to the canvas. By this time, the roar of the mob would of drowned out a broadside from a dreadnaught! Kid Roberts got to one knee and signalled me he wasn't hurt, but he took the full count to get his bearin's, nevers the less. When he arose as the referee bawls "Nine!", he was all business!

The eager Guardsman missed a left lead and the champ promptly crossed his right to the jaw, quickly followin' with a sizzlin' left to the stomach which seemed to cave the British boxer in. Swift as a flash of light, Kid Roberts stepped in and hooked his right to the jaw again and Blue fell in'a heap, the claret gushin' freely from his nose and mouth. The Kid was usin' that swollen and agonizin' right like there was nothin' the matter with it at all, but I winced with him every time he landed it! The Guardsman was down for a count of seven. He tried to dance away when he got up, but the Kid was now too fast for him. He drove a crashin' left to Blue's ribs and the