Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/77

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to me at all?" he says coldly, but it seems to me his eyes is grinnin'.

"I weesh to see if you weel fight for Désirée!" says this remarkable young woman, hangin' her head.

You could of slapped me over with a telegraph pole. The little—eh—imp!

"Désirée," says Kid Roberts, pretendin' to be red-headed, but I know he's fakin' it. "I am angry and surprised at you. You should be taken home and—and spanked! If I promise not to have you punished as you so richly deserve, will you return to St. Thérèse with your father?"

"Mais oui!" says Désirée tearfully.

Kid Roberts looks greatly relieved, and I'm simply overboard with delight. The Kid turns to Ptomaine Joe, which ain't been able to unfasten his eyes from Désirée since she come in the room. "Joe," says the Kid sternly, "take this young lady to her hotel, explain matters to her father and arrange for their tickets so that they may leave to-morrow. I put her in your charge!"

Ptomaine Joe looks like somebody had just proved to him that he's the rightful heir to Yellowstone Park. He gulps and grabs the Kid's hand.

"Say!" he busts out. "They can't tell me you ever fouled anybody. C'mon, Désirée!"