Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/81

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and beat it for Europe to give Don Miguel the last lesson first and incidentally have a show-down with his wife. But I managed to cool him off, tellin' him that kind of antics would only make matters worse. My advice was to wait till Dolores come back to America and then stage the big conference. Well, Dolores come back all right and Don Miguel blew over on the next boat!

Kid Roberts was what is known as a one-woman man and he still thinks Dolores is the only female in the wide, wide world in spite of the fact that she canceled him when he went back to the ring to earn his livin'. The Kid's broodin' over his family troubles was keepin' him awake at nights and causin' him to neglect his trainin' for Battlin' Miller to such a extent that I begin to do a piece of worryin' myself. From the way Kid Roberts was performin' in the gym, he didn't look able to punch his way out of a paper bag and this Battlin' Miller from all accounts was nobody's fool. So I decide to pay Dolores a visit myself and see if I can't fix things up between her and the Kid before they get to the unfixable stage.

I piled into a taxi and got whisked out to the sultan's palace on Fifth Avenue where Dolores was stayin' with her father, Senator Brewster. The old boy had been a strong booster for Kid Roberts from the time he met him. So I figured on gettin' to him first and then havin' him come in with me when I started to work on Dolores.

As luck would have it, the Senator was in a place called elsewhere when I called and the haughty butler.