Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/84

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"He has rather peculiar methods of showing his affection, then," remarks Dolores, but she looks pleased. "What about this Collet woman?"

"Newspaper bunk!" I snorts. "I'll give you the low-down about that on my word of honor, which like Astor has never been broke! Désirée Collet was just a nutty kid. She comes to New York with her feeble old father, and as they didn't even know a traffic cop between 'em, Kane just played big brother for her, that's all, You're a woman—well, do you think if Kane had fell for Désirée she'd of got so sore at him that she wanted him trimmed by the heavyweight champ? Take it from me, Mrs. Brewster-Halliday, Kane never give her a tumble. You can't believe nothin' you see in the papers these days. Why, for instance, me and Kane has been readin' for weeks about some Spanish sheik by the name of Don Miguel Espinosa followin' you all over Europe! Of course, I know that's the——"

I stop short, because Dolores has jumped up, her face blood red.

"Kane believes that?" she wants to know.

"Why, I should say not!" I says quickly. "But, at the same time, thinkin' about it ain't doin' him a bit of good!"

"Does he know you were coming to see me?" is the next question, after a pause.

"No," I tell her promptly. "He'd murder me if he thought I was tryin' to be a Mr. Fix-It in his private affairs. Maybe you think I'm out of line, too, comin' here without no invitation. I'd do anything for either