Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/88

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"I know who it was," I says, without thinkin', "Don Miguel Espinosa!"

The Kid grabs my arm in a iron grip and swings me around, starin' at me with glitterin' eyes. "How did you guess that?" he demanded. "Or, was it merely a guess?"

"That's all," I says. "Didn't we both read in the paper that this jobbie had arrived here only a few boat lengths behind your wife?"

I didn't say nothin' about the Don bein' on hand when I called on Dolores. The Kid had already apparently seen enough to get him red-headed, and why should I throw gasoline on a fire?

It seems Kid Roberts and Don Miguel looked each other over with all the friendliness of a couple of strange bull-dogs and, not likin' what he read in the Kid's blazin' eye, this toreador scurried away. But the damage had been done! The hot-tempered Kid Roberts forgot he had come to make up with his wife and let go with both barrels. He led with Don Miguel and landed hard, but Dolores come right back with Désirée Collet and shook the Kid up considerably. Then Kid Roberts claimed a wife's place was in the home and not in politics and Dolores says when she wants a opinion she'll go to the Supreme Court; likewise, if he thinks more of the prize ring than he does of his weddin' ring he can close the door from the outside.

It was a fast draw.

After he cools off a bit Kid Roberts tells me he's satisfied this Don Miguel is a false alarm and simply