Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/91

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program like she's determined to learn it by heart. Don Miguel failed to return the Kid's bow, but to our great surprise he tips his silk hat to Beatrice Brown, which give him a kind of scornful smile and a chilly "Good afternoon!"

"Where did you meet that guy?" I ask Beatrice, whilst Ptomaine and Kid Roberts is arrangin' the details of a bet on the game.

"Who—that John with the cab driver's hat in the next box?" says Beatrice airly. "Why, he stores himself at the hotel. He's a Cuban or one of them dizzy foreigners, and——"

"Don Miguel is a guest at our hotel?" butts in Kid Roberts in a low voice, overhearin' this tidbit.

"Don which?" says Beatrice surprised. "If you mean that egg next to us, he's down on the books as Juan Ybarra, and if he's a Don he's been holdin' out on me! He's been tryin' to make me for the past three weeks, but he's just a bum guesser, that's all. I don't go out with no fellows which looks you over like he does. I pick my boy friends!"

The Kid is now double convinced that this Spaniard is all wrong, and he tells Beatrice to find out all she can about him. Tickled to be of any use, Beatrice promises to have the low-down on this baby within a few days. Just leave matters to her, she says, and she'll make Mr. Don talk himself into all the grief in the world. That's somethin' she can do to any masculine, adds Bee, and after a long look at her I would of laid a hundred to one that she was statin' nothin' but facts!