Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/98

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hurt by this treatment and his handlers roared for him to "Bring it up!' He did—a torrid right uppercut sendin' the Kid's head back and stoppin' his charge short, but Miller missed the follow-up—a left hook—and took four stiff jabs to the nose without a return. Roberts then hooked his right to the neck, Miller counterin' smartly with a hard smash to the head.

Kid Roberts fell back a few steps and as Miller rushed in with his head lowered he shot two hard rights to that part of the Battler's chassis, one of which cut the Battler's ear. They were clinched at the gong, poundin' away merrily at each other's ribs. A round of applause greeted the boys as they run to their corners and the referee leaned down over the ropes to remark to the sport writers: "Here's two that's tryin'!"

Over in Miller's corner his handlers is spendin' as much time lookin' at us as they are in workin' over their greatly surprised leather pusher. They can't seem to understand why Kid Roberts ain't commencin' to act silly, Well, I'm ready to have him act that way now!

Miller come out cautiously for the second frame, but Kid Roberts was even more cautious, walkin' slowly to the center of the ring, his eyelids lowered and his feet draggin' after him. After studyin' the Kid for a second, the Battler took heart and jabbed lightly with his left. The punch wouldn't of cracked a china cup, but Roberts swayed back against the ropes as though hit by a batterin' ram. It looks weird to the attendance, and they yell murder, but to the gang in Miller's corner it's the tip-off! They're now certain the Kid's