"In pulmonary consumption there is no remedy equal to a diet of fruit, grains and vegetables." Dr. A. P. Buchan.
The London Lancet cites a case where a child of 18 months was covered with ulcers; head, face, neck, body, and limbs, a mass of sores; had been blind a year; eight physicians pronounced the case incurable; a diet of ripe fruit was prescribed September 13; on January 1 not an ulcer remained, the skin was clear and fair, and sight restored.
By the law of Influences, man is affected, for good or ill, by whatever surrounds him. The Soul of Things is a reality which finds a responsive recognition in the inner life of man. Spirituality or animality, refinement or grossness, in our surroundings, induces a corresponding condition in ourselves: we are magnetized by the objects, by the life around us. There are emanations from all things. The objects, animate or inanimate, so called, the creatures, the people that surround us, breathe upon us the qualities of their inner life; and we cannot escape the fact, whether conscious of its existence or not. Those who partake of animal food open the door of their animal nature, for the ingress of animal influences, and become negative, more or less, to the surrounding magnetisms emanating from the animal faculties, whether of beast or man. In this condition, they cannot so readily be approached and inspired by the truly spiritual influences, either of the earth or skies.
"Criminals confess that they cannot tell for their lives why they commit murder. This is why:—The very act of killing the animal transmits to the flesh eaten the taint of murder. The child, the youth, the man, goes heedlessly along eating of that taint until nurtured by kindred passion-making thoughts and acts, the terrible