Whence happened it that he was not disgusted and struck with horror, when he came to handle the bleeding flesh and clear away the clotted blood and humors from the wounds? We should, therefore, rather wonder at the conduct of those who first indulged themselves in this horrible repast, than at such as have humanely abstained from it."
Everything connected with the use of flesh is disagreable, filthy, non-elevating, laborious and enslaving. Everything connected with the use of fruits, nuts, grains etc., is on the contrary agreable, cleanly, elevating, simple and easy, and promotive of liberty and leisure.
Away with your beef and your mutton!
Avaunt with your capers and sauce!
For beeksteaks I don't care a button!
Veal cutlets! I count them as dross;
Lamb stew, chicken salad, don't mention;
With my stomach roast pig don't agree;
From such messes I practice abstention—
Farinacea's the forage for me!
O stay me with rice and with porridge!
O comfort me sweetly with grits!
Baked beans give me plenty of courage.
And cracked wheat enlivens my wits.
From such food new youth I shall borrow,
Till, as hearty as hearty can be,
I expire of old age, like Cornaro—
Farinacea's the forage for me!
When night comes, ah! sweet the reflection
(As my senses are muffled in sleep),
Nothing living to serve my refection
Has been butchered—not even a sheep.
No lamb has been led to the slaughter;
No calves hung up by their feet;
No lobsters been drowned in hot water;
No cows killed that I might have meat.
Clean of heart I encounter the cattle—
Let brutal carnivora blush!
When my soul is oppressed with life's battle,
I forget all about it in mush.
Begone with your flesh-pots of Egypt;
To the dogs with your coffee and tea;
Let your pates de foie gras be reshipped—
Farinacea's the forage for me!