Figs or Pigs?Fruit or Brute?
Shall We Eat Flesh?
The chief reasons for entertaining the Vegetarian
or Fruitarian Principle may be arranged under the fol-
lowing heads:
1. Anatomical.
2. Physiological and Hygienical.
3. Pathological.
4. Psychological.
6. Chemical.
7. Agricultural.
9. Gustatorial and Sentimental.
10. Intuitional.
11. Historical.
12. Eventual.
The use of animal food by man is contrary to the evident design of Nature, as indicated by his anatomical structure, which is in all respects nearly identical with that of the orang-outang and other varieties of the Simiadæ or "monkey-tribe," which are naturally frugiverous (fruit and nut-eating) animals.
Says Baron Cuvier: "Man resembles no carnivorous animal. There is no exception, unless man be one, to the rule of herbivorous animals having cellulated colons. The orang-outang perfectly resembles man, both in the order and number of his teeth. The resemblance also of the human stomach to that of the orang-outang is greater