Page:Film Censorship Ordinance 1988 (Cap. 392).pdf/10

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Ord. No. 25/88
(d) setting out the classification of the film under section 12(1);
(e) endorsed with the appropriate symbol referred to in section 12(2); and
(f) endorsed with the censorship mark referred to in section 24.

(2) Where a censor refuses to approve a film for exhibition under section 10(4)(b), the Authority shall forthwith give written notice of the censor’s decision under that section to the person who submitted the film under section 8 and shall state in the notice the reasons for the censor’s decision.

(3) Where a censor deals with a film under section 10(4)(c), the Authority shall forthwith give written notice of the censor’s decision under that section to the person who submitted the film under section 8 and shall—

(a) specify in the notice the piece or pieces of the film requiring excision; and
(b) state in the notice the reasons for the censor’s decision.

(4) Where subsection (3) applies in relation to a film, the Authority shall—

(a) return the film to the person who submitted the film under section 8 to make the required excision, or upon that person’s request make or arrange such excision; and
(b) after any such excision has been made—
(i) approve the film for exhibition;
(ii) give the film the classification under section 12(1) which the censor who dealt with the film under section 10(4)(c) recorded in writing as the classification he would be prepared to give the film if such excision were made; and
(iii) issue to the person who submitted the film under section 8 a certificate of approval—
(A) in the prescribed form;
(B) in the case of a film given a classification under section 12(1)(b), endorsed with the condition referred to in that section;
(C) endorsed with a condition that the film shall not be exhibited with any additions to, or any excisions from, the film in the form in which it is after such excision;
(D) setting out the classification of the film under section 12(1);
(E) endorsed with the appropriate symbol referred to in section 12(2); and
(F) endorsed with the censorship mark referred to in section 24.

(5) No certificate of approval shall be issued under this section in respect of a film unless any fee payable under section 10(8) for the film has been paid.