Page:Film Censorship Ordinance 1988 (Cap. 392).pdf/14

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Ord. No. 25/88
(a) states the reasons why he is of that opinion; and
(b) is delivered to the Secretary, in such manner and at such place as is prescribed,

request the Board to review under this section that decision.

(2) The Authority shall, at the same time as he makes a request under subsection (1), deliver to the person to whom the certificate referred to in that subsection was issued in respect of the film to which that request relates—

(a) a copy of the notice under subsection (1) which makes that request; and
(b) a statement informing that person that he may, not later than 7 days after delivery of that notice and statement, make written representations to the Board in respect of that request by delivering such representations to the Secretary at such place as is specified in that statement.

(3) Where a request is made under subsection (1), the Secretary shall, after the expiration of 7 days from the making of that request—

(a) forthwith issue to the members who are in Hong Kong—
(i) a copy of the notice under that subsection which makes that request;
(ii) a copy of the decision to which that request relates; and
(iii) a copy of any written representations made under subsection (2) in respect of that request;
(b) after consultation with the members appointed under section 16(2)(c) who are in Hong Kong, fix a date and time for a meeting to review the decision to which that request relates which shall be not later than 21 days after the issue of the documents concerned under paragraph (a); but if, after that consultation, in the opinion of the Secretary, it is not practicable for him to fix a date and time within that period, he may fix a date and time not later than 35 days after the issue of those documents; and
(c) after a date and time is fixed under paragraph (b) for a meeting to review the decision to which that request relates, forthwith by notice in writing served either personally or by registered post on the person to whom the certificate referred to in subsection (1) was issued in respect of the film to which that request relates―
(i) require that person to produce to the Secretary, at a place specified in that notice, on or before that date and time, that film (or a copy thereof); and
(ii) inform that person that he, or his authorized representative, or both, may attend before the Board on that date and time and, if so attending, shall be permitted to make representations.

(4) Subject to subsection (7), the Board shall at a meeting review the decision to which a request under subsection (1) relates by—

(a) viewing the film (or a copy thereof) to which the decision relates;