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Ord. No. 25/88

(2) The Chief Secretary may, by notice in the Gazette, amend the Schedule.Schedule.

Regulations. 29. (1) The Governor in Council may by regulation provide for—

(a) the payment of allowances to advisers;
(b) the manner in, and the place at, which a film is to be submitted under section 8;
(c) the information and particulars to be submitted together with a film under section 8;
(d) the classes or decriptions of films that are suitable to be exempted under section 9;
(e) the form of a certificate of exemption issued under section 9;
(f) the fee payable under section 10(8);
(g) the symbols designating the classifications of a film under section 12;
(h) the form of a certificate of approval issued under section 13;
(i) the manner in, and the place at, which a request under section 17 or 18 is to be delivered to the Secretary;
(j) the manner in, and the place at, which a request under section 19 is to be delivered to the Chief Secretary;
(k) the form of an application under section 25(1);
(l) the fee payable under section 25(2);
(m) the service of any document;
(n) in relation to a film containing a cigarette advertisement, the inclusion in the advertisement of a health warning in such manner as is specified and prohibiting the exhibition in Hong Kong of any such advertisement which does not include such warning; and
(o) the better carrying into effect of the provisions of this Ordinance.

(2) Any regulations made under subsection (1)(f) may provide for a fee to be fixed at a level which provides for the recovery of expenditure incurred or likely to be incurred in the exercise of any functions under this Ordinance and shall not be limited by reference to the amount of any administrative or other costs incurred or likely to be incurred in the exercise of any particular function.

(3) Any regulations made under this section may provide that a contravention thereof shall be an offence and may provide penalties for such offences not exceeding a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment for 6 months.

Guidelines for censors. 30. The Secretary may, for information, from time to time cause to be prepared and published in the Gazette, for the guidance of censors, guidelines not inconsistent with this Ordinance, indicating the manner in which it is proposed that censors exercise their functions under this Ordinance.

No liability in the case of the bona fide exercise of functions under this Ordinance. 31. No liability shall be incurred by any public officer in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by him bona fide in the exercise or purported exercise of any of his functions under this Ordinance.