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Ord. No. 25/88

“member” means a member of the Board;

“panel of advisers” means the panel of advisers established by section 6(1);

“panel of censors” means the panel of censors established by section 4(1);

“proof of identity” means proof of identity within the meaning of section 17B of the (Cap. 115.)Immigration Ordinance;

“Secretary” means the Secretary for Administrative Services and Information;

“still film” means a slide, or a series of slides, including single frames of a film, of visual non-moving images that is or are capable of being used for the subsequent screening of those images;

“working day” means any day other than a public holiday or a gale warning day within the meaning of section 2 of the (Cap. 62.)Judicial Proceedings (Adjournment During Gale Warnings) Ordinance.

(2) For the purposes of this Ordinance, where a film is exhibited—

(a) at any place of public entertainment—
(i) within the meaning of section 2 of the (Cap. 172.)Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance; and
(ii) in respect of which a licence granted under that Ordinance is in force,
the person holding that licence shall be taken to be the person who exhibits that film; and
(b) at any other place, the person who arranges or organizes that exhibition of the film shall be taken to be the person who exhibits that film.

(3) Where a certificate of exemption is issued under section 9, or a certificate of approval is issued under section 13, in respect of a film, that certificate shall apply to each copy of that film as if that copy were that film and, for that purpose, any reference in this Ordinance (including section 21(3)) or section 3(a) of the (9 of 1987.)Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance to that film shall be deemed to include a copy of that film.

(4) For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that where a certificate of exemption issued under section 9, or a certificate of approval issued under section 13, in respect of a film is revoked or deemed to be revoked under this Ordinance, that revocation shall apply in respect of each copy of that film as it applies to that film.

Establishment of Film Censorship Authority and Panel of Censors and Panel of Advisers

Film Censorship Authority. 3. For the purposes of this Ordinance, there is hereby established a Film Censorship Authority who shall be the Commissioner for Television and Entertainment Licensing.

Panel of censors. 4. (1) For the purposes of this Ordinance, there is hereby established a panel of censors.