Page:Film Censorship Ordinance 1988 (Cap. 392).pdf/7

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Ord. No. 25/88
(a) to the public in general;
(b) to any class of the public;
(c) at a particular place;
(d) at a particular time;
(e) for a particular purpose;
(f) on one occasion; or
(g) on more than one occasion,

as the Authority thinks fit, and shall be subject to a condition that the film shall not be exhibited with—

(i) any additions to; or
(ii) any excisions from,

the film in the form in which it was submitted under section 8.

(3) Where a film is exempted under this section, the Authority shall forthwith issue to the person who submitted it under section 8 a certificate of exemption—

(a) in the prescribed form; and
(b) endorsed with the conditions to which the exemption is subject.

(4) The Authority may revoke a certificate of exemption issued under this section by notice in writing served either personally or by registered post on the person to whom the certificate was issued if, having taken into consideration the matters referred to in section 10(2), he is of the opinion that the film in respect of which the certificate was issued should again be submitted under section 8.

(5) No fee shall be payable for a film dealt with under this section.

Action to be taken by Authority and censor in relation to film which is not exempted. 10. (1) Where a film is submitted under section 8, the Authority shall, unless the film is dealt with under section 9, assign in respect of the film, as soon as practicable but in any case not later than 7 working days after the film is so submitted, a censor and may at the same time assign not less than 2 advisers.

(2) The censor shall as soon as practicable view the film and consider the following matters for the purpose of making his decision under subsection (4)—

(a) whether the film portrays, depicts or treats cruelty, torture, violence, crime, horror, disability, sexuality or indecent or offensive language or behaviour;
(b) whether the film denigrates or insults any particular class of the public by reference to the colour, race, religious beliefs or ethnic or national origins or the sex of the members of that class; and
(c) whether there is a likelihood that the exhibition of the film would seriously damage good relations with other territories.
(3) The censor shall, in viewing the film and considering the matters referred to in subsection (2), also take into account the following matters―