Page:Fisherman's garland, or, The cruel knight (2).pdf/3

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With a murdering heart next morning he roſe
And unto the house of the farmer he goes
And asked the man with a heart full of spite
If the child was alive that was born last night.
Worthy Sir, Cays the farmer, although I am poor,
I had one born last night and fix long before;
Four sons and three daughters I have now alive.
Which are in good health and likely to thrive,
The Knight he replied of the seven you have
Let me have the youngest, I’ll keep her most brave;
For you. very well; with one daughter may spare.
Which if you will grant, I will make her my heir.
For I am a Knight of a noble degree,
And if you will part.with your child unto me,
Full three hundred pounds unto you I will give,
When I from you hands your daughter receive,
The father and mother with tears in their eyes.
Hearing this kind offer they were in surprise,
But being him a knight both gallant and gay,
They presented the infant without more delay
Then they spoke unto him with words very mild
We beseech you good sir to be kind to our child,
You need not fear it the Knight he did say,
For I will maintain bar both gallant and gay.
So with the sweet babe away he did tide,
Until that he came to a broad river side,
Being cruelly bent he resolved indeed,
To drown the young infant that moment with speed
Said he, if you live, you must needs be my wife,
But I am resolv'd to deprive you of life
For till you are dead no other can have;
Therefore you shall ly in a wat’ry grave.
When he had spoke these words, that moment then

And threw the sweet babe into the river straight away