Page:Five Pillars of Islam (IA fivepillarsofisl00kamauoft).djvu/18

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of Islam to take such a view of his relations to. his mundane connections and belongings, it is never difficult to manifest a spirit of utter self-sacrifice in the cause of the Lord. For how utterly impossible it becomes for a man to acquire by foul means what he would cheerfully give up for the service of others, though his own, by all laws of justice and equity! Here is the way how Islam meets and provides for the case. It is quite admissible for one to eat and drink according to his means, but when we see that this same eating and drinking is given up for some time by a man through fear of nobody except for the love of God, then certainly it would be too hard for him to even over-indulge in it under ordinary circumstances. Likewise one has every right to enjoy the company and society of one's wife, but when he gives it up within prescribed time during the month of Ramadzan, without any compulsion, he truly has developed his character to the extent of not even casting a lustful glance on