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The Beautiful Despot

you’ve gone enough!” Within a minute he was done for.—How his brush trailed. The dear old chap was done for, the old fellow was done.

Master: Good work, begad.

Servant: Ay, I dare swear there’s no sport in the world to beat fox-hunting, nothing!

Master: No, Egórich, give things their due. For instance, I’m extraordinarily pleased with today’s sport. Not even God knows how many brace I shot, but there were some moments that—— (Kisses the tips of his fingers.)

Companion: Who said that hunting was a cruel pastime?

Servant: Some jealous beast who can’t shoot or can’t afford a gun! (Laughs.)

Fool (in motley, screams like a monkey): Kiriki, kirikoo, kiriki.

Master (drinking): Impeaching human happiness—that’s real cruelty. Ahem ! I’ve dined well to-day. (To Servant.) My compliments to your wife; to-day’s dinner was excellent. I’m not calling her up to compliment her, from consideration for her corns. But how’s Diana?

Companion: I heard her howling.

Servant: Yes, I gave her another bath with bran