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The Beautiful Despot

Friend of Master, in normal twentieth-century clothes, with spectacles, followed by Servant.)

Friend : I should, er—I don’t know—if I could brush myself a little—to tell the truth—the dirt of the railway—it’s the worst thing on earth——

Servant: You can get warm here by the stove and have a brush down. Grusha, bring a brush.

Friend: What a long way you are from the station! How’s the master, is he well?

Servant: Oh yes. Did you get good horses, if I might ask?

Friend (looking round amazed): Er, yes, not bad.

Servant: The girl will brush you, but master’s calling me. Grusha, do it properly! (Exit.)

Friend (moving away from the monkey): It, er—doesn’t bite?

Maid: It doesn’t bite its friends.

Friend: But strangers?

Maid: Strangers don’t come here.

Friend: Don’t come here ? But, er—your master, is he, er—absolutely well?

Maid: Yes, absolutely.

Friend: Lucky the monkey isn’t free!

Maid: Goodness gracious, why, nobody’s free at master’s.