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Hard was my lot to be diſplay’d,
by Cupid’s cruel arrow;
Since I’m oblig’d to go to ſea,
I go in grief and ſorrow.

Now from your arms I muſt away,
Peggy take my heart a keeping,
May the Pow’rs above protect my love,
till our next happy meeting.

Falſe information, my dear jewel,
proved our ſeparation;
And forc’d me from your breaſt amain,
into ſome foreign nation.

My reputation they diſdain’d
their might I could not hinder,
Which caus’d me to be preſs’d away,
and ſent aboard the Tender.

Peggy my jewel, do not grieve,
ſuppoſe I muſt retire,
Since I’m oblig’d to go to ſea,
its you I do admire,

When I’m upon the raging ſea,
and in the midſt of ſtrangers,
The thoughts of you my deareſt dear,
will help me out of dangers.