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Ceaſe, rude Boreas bluſt’ring railer,
liſt ye Land-men all to me;
Meſs-mates, hear a brother-ſailor,
ſing the dangers of the ſea.
From bounding billows, firſt in motion,
where the diſtant whirlwind riſe,
To the tempeſt troubled Ocean,
when the ſeas contend with ſkies.
Hark! the Boatſwain hoarſely bawling,
by top-ſail ſheets & hallyards ſtand,
Down top-gallants, quick be bawling,
down your ſtay-ſails, hand boys, hand.
How it freſhens, ſet the braces,
the lee top-ſail ſheets let go;
Luff, boys, luff, don’t make wray faces,
up your top-ſails nimbly clew.
Now all you on down-beds ſporting,
fondly lock’d in beauty’s arms,
Freſh enjoyment, wanting courting,
ſafe from all but Love’s alarms.
Around us roars the tempeſt louder,
think what fears our minds enthral:
Harder yet, it ſtill blows harder,
now again the Boatſwain’s call,