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Still the leak is gaining on us,
both chain pumps are choak’d below,
Heav’n have mercy here upon us,
only that can ſave us now.
On the lee-beam is the land, boys,
let the guns o’er board be thrown,
To the pumps come ev’ry hand, boys,
ſee! her mizen-maſt is gone.
The leak we’ve ſound, it cannot pour faſt,
we’ve lightned her a foot or more,
Then up and rig a jury fore-maſt,
ſhe’s right, ſhe’s right, boys, we’re off ſhore.
Now, once more, on joys we’re thinking,
ſince kind Fortune ſav’d our lives,
Come, the cann, boys, let’s be drinking,
to our ſweet-hearts and our wives,
Fill it up, about ſhip wheel it:
cloſe to the lips the bumper join,
Where’s the tempeſt now? who feels it?
none;—our danger’s drown’d in wine.

In ancient days I’ve heard with horns,
the wife her ſpouſe could fright;
Which now the Hero bravely ſcorns,
ſo common is the ſight.