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Ye ſoldiers and ſailors I pray now attend,
To thoſe few lines which lately’s been penn’d,
I’ll tell you the dangers of the ſalt ſeas,
And the fatal deſtruftion of the Ramilies.
O! the fatal Ramilies.
Seven hundred and ſeventy bright ſeamen had we,
And ninety good guns to bear us company.
But as we were a ſailing to our great ſurpriſe,
A moſt terrible ſtorm began for to riſe.
O! the fatal Ramilies.
The ſky look’d like fire, the ſea ran mountains high,
Made our ſeamen to weep and our captain to cry,
Mind your buſineſs my boys & your ſkill do not ſpare,
The more ſea-room we have the leſs danger to fear.
O! the fatal Ramilies.
Then we all went to work our lives for to ſave,
While over our rigging did beat the ſalt waves,
Bear away, ſays our captain, do all that we can,
For if the ſtorm holds, we are loſt every man.
O! the fatal Ramilies.
In a few minutes after with a moſt dreadful ſhock,
The fatal Ramilies ſhe daſh’d againſt a rock,
Both Jews, Turks & Chriſtians might ſolemnly lament,
To hear the ſad cries when firſt down ſhe went.
O! the fatal Ramilies.
All ye that are willing to do a good deed,
In relieving the widows in time of their need:
In relieving the widows and good will ye bleſs,
For relieving the widows and children fatherleſs.
O! the fatal Ramilies.