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The Traquire Shepherds,

O Shepherd the weather looks misty and changing
will you show me over the bills of Traquire,
O yes, gentle stranger, where ye yon been ranging
for such a gentleman walking is (illegible text)
I've been in the forest amang the braw lases,
I've sung with each shepherd on ilka green hill,
And I have a mind to give over my rambling,
since in every thing in it I have had my will,
am fear'd you have some bonny lassie beguiled,
you're the finest young gentleman I ever saw,
Your heeks like the roses, your hair's like the gow’
I'm afraid you & them have been breaking the law
O gentle shepherd have you got a wife yet?
or you live single, spray tell me the truth,
For if you live single, you're sure to live happy,
for the blooming young lasses are of such a rut
O I'm single, for all the maids in the forest,
I mind them no more than the leaf of the tree,
Save one pretty girl to whom I have promis'd
to marry, as soon as my stock it is free.
She's handsome and witty, she's charming and pretty
she's just like a swan in a new fallen pool.
She's modest and witty she'll soon make me happy
I liked her ay since I was at the school.
O shepherd, you're foolish to bind to a woman,
indeed you will rue it and that very soon,
For if she proves constant, you'll scarce find
another one under the moon.
As for me, I'm no ways amind for to marry,

but kiss all the fair maids tha: come in my way,