Page:Flag regs of Siam - 1909.pdf/14

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In the reign of His Majesty Phra Chom Klao, His Majesty, who evinced great solicitude for the welfare of the people, considered that the plain red flag still used by the Siamese merchant shipping and other private vessels, on account of its similitude to the flags used by some nations, was apt to lead to confusion, and His Majesty, therefore, decreed that a common national fag, which could be used alike by Government and private vessels, should be introduced. This flag was a modification of the old Government flag and contained the figure of a white elephant on a red ground, the "Chakr" being left out, which being the emblem of the Royal House was deemed too exalted for private vessels. A flag having the figure of a white elephant on a blue ground was also introduced for hoisting on the fore part of Government vessels to distinguish them from private vessels. His majesty also introduced a Royal Standard, consisting of an outer red ground enclosing an inner blue round, emblazoned with a representation of the Royal Crown flanked by seven-tiered Royal Umbrellas, for hoisting on board vessels or on the flag-staff of the grand Palace to indicate the Royal Presence. To supply its place on the flag-staff of the grand Palace during His Majesty's absence from the Metropolis, another Standard containing a representation of the great Seal of State was also introduced. With the addition on the Royal Standard of the escutcheon bearing the Royal Arms below the Royal Crown, the four flags mentioned have been in use during the