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“Y’m through.” But it was another, not Bobs, who was the inspiration of that resolve. To the other, patient in the sighing darkness, she returned. “She’s all right,” she informed him. “But it was a close call.” “Scott saved her, I expect,” he replied absently. “He knew the method.” “Do you know Cary Scott?” she asked, startled. He hesitated. “I did once. I should hardly have expected to find him at this kind of an orgy.” “Tt isn’t as bad as it looks,” she defended weakly. “You told me, didn’t you, that you were going into the pool with the others?” “Yes. But you don’t understand. Will you wait until I go in and get my clothes on?” “J__don’t—think—-so,”” he said with palpable effort. She gathered all her resolution. “Aren’t you going to take me home?” Through the darkness came the sound of a deep-drawn breath. “No,” said his voice, both hard and sad. Only the sadness remained as he continued.

“You see, I had ideal-

ised you.” “You needn’t have,” she retorted bitterly. “I’m just like other girls.” “So I see. I wish to God I’d never seen you!” “’There’s no reason why you should ever see me again,” she answered with rising spirit. “Good. “Not the slightest,” he agreed dolorously. bye.”

"She turned and went into the building. As Dr. Osterhout had no car, Scott and Dee drove hin,

back to his place.