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“Oh, it isn’t all indoors. limousines; all that helps.


There’s porch swings, and Are you shocked, Bobs?”

“I’m interested. The habits of the young of the species are bound to be interesting to a scientist.” “You said something when you said ‘habits.? Everybody does it. Didn’t you when you were young?” “Tt’s so long ago that I’ve forgotten. But I don’t think my sisters did. Not promiscuously.” “If they did you’d be the last one that knew about it,” the sapient Pat informed him. “And I hate the word ‘promiscuously.’ Besides, it isn’t true. I don’t. Not any more.” “Great grief, Infant! You talk as if you’d been at this sort of thing for uncounted years!” “T’ve been over twelve for some

time, you know,” she

observed lightly. “Perhaps it’s as well that you reminded me. You seem so permanently young to me. However, speaking medically, I should say cut it out, Infant. Cut it out for good. It’s no good for you. It’s no good for any young girl; but particularly not for you.” She knitted her pretty brows at him, thinking it through. “I get you, Stephen,” she said presently. “Though I’m not so different from other girls, only a little more so than some, maybe. But you’re right. Sometimes I’ve felt like a nervous wreck. I wish that I didn’t know 60 much about myself. Or else that I knew a little more.” “You know quite enough. At any rate you spend quite enough time thinking about yourself. Where do you suppose all this leads to, Pat?” “JT don’t know. Lots of time to think about that, isn’t there? I suppose I'll get married and have a lot of kids some day. I like kids.” “It would probably be the best thing for you.”