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Cissie Parmenter was the Philadelphia schoolmate whom Pat had adopted as “b.f.” ‘To-morrow night. You're a peach to let me have her. ‘What’ll we do with her Wednesday, Dee? Only the actual wedding party are asked to the Dangerfields’, aren’t they?” “That’s all. Vl get Cary Scott to run her in town for luncheon.” “Isn’t Mr. Scott one of the ushers?” “No. He and Jimmy aren’t very strong for each other. {’'m using him as my general utility man for the show. Dad’s no good for that, and Bobs is too busy.”

“Cissie’ll be all fired up about Mr. Scott.

T’ve told her

about him.” “Did you tell her he was married?” “Of course. You don’t think that would cramp Cissie’s style, do you? She'll show him some thrill if he gives her half a chance. Not that he’s too brisk a pacer, himself, How’s his little flutter with Con going?” “All off,” answered Dee, laconically. “Does Con miss it much?”

“No. She’s having a mild whirl 1 Emslie Selfridge. He’s safer.” “Safer than Mr. Scott? Couldn’t be. I think Scottie invented Safety First.” “Do you?” returned Dee drily. “Well, you’ve still got something to learn about men, Infant.” “P’ve got something to teach ’em, too,” laughed Pat


‘Will he be there to-night?”

“Who? Cary? No; he’s in Washington. Gets back to-morrow noon.” This suited Pat well enough for her projected surprise. It went with her temperament that she should have a taste for dramatic effect. Assuming that Mr. Scott would report himself at the house shortly after his ar-