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“And you’re telling me to keep me from feeling ashamed of myself.” “Yes. There is nothing shameful in my feeling for you, inexcusable as it is.” “I think,” she pronounced slowly, “you’re the most divine man I’ve ever met.” “Oh, no,” he refuted bitterly. “Just a weakling. But I give you my word, dear love, if I could have foreseen this I would have gone to the farthest corner of the earth rather than have it come about.” She lifted startled and wondering eyes to his. “Why?” “You know how things are with me, Pat. You know I’m not free.” A lively interest animated her expression. “Oh, yes. Though [’ve never thought of it much. Tell me about your wife.” He winced. “What is there to tell?” “Tell me what she is like? Is she dark or fair? Are you very much in love with her?” “Pat


“Well, you must have loved her or you wouldn’t have married her, would you? Doesn’t she care for you?” “T will tell you this much,” he said after a pause. “We are completely estranged. But as she is still my wife in name and likely to remain so, I cannot discuss her. Not even with you.” “Oh, very well!” Pat’s familiar imp had taken possession of her face again. “It’s none of my business, of course.” “That is not quite fair of you, is it?” “Of course it isn’t.” She caught his hand, pressed her cheek down into it, and was violently crushed into his arms, her mouth quivering beneath his kiss, “My God, how I love you!” he groaned.

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