Page:Flaming Youth black on red.pdf/239

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That is between Dee and myself. lie to me.”


She at least did not

Pat flamed with a sense of unmerited injuries. “Oh, you go to hell!” she muttered. But her eyes were wondering and frightened after he left her. Dee’s voice calling gave her something else to think about. She ran upstairs. “What were you and Bobs quarrelling about?” demanded the patient. “Nothing.” “You were. Was it about me? Is he very bitter against me?” ‘Tl tell you to-morrow. You must go to sleep now.”

  • There’s something back of this.” Dee jumped from

her bed and set her back to the door. ‘You won’t leave this room till you tell me.”

“Get back into bed,” implored the alarmed Pat. tell you.


Truly I will.”

Tell, then.”

Pat related the tale of the stratagem with increasing relish in the unfolding of the drama. “Pretty clever of little Pat, what?” “I’m sorry you had to lie to Bobs, though.” “I’ve kept the best of it. When I told him, Bobs asked me to marry him.” “Asked you?” “Yes. Isn’t that a scream!” Between nervousness and exaltation of her diplomatic powers Pat burst into laughter. “And you laugh?” The mirth died on her lips. “Don’t you think it’s fun.


“Y ou—dirty—little—heast.” “What did I do?” faltered the younger sister.
