Page:Flaming Youth black on red.pdf/245

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He walked back with her to Holiday Knoll after dinner, Pat’s face was thoughtful, moody. As they paced in silence he studied it intently, with passionate longings, with passionate misgivings. Out of a reverie she spoke. “I’ve never missed anyone in my life as I’ve missed you, You were right.” “About what, Pat?”

“That day you took me to Philadelphia. You said I’d miss you more than I thought. D’you remember, I told you then what I thought about it. ‘Oh, well, Pll miss him for a few days and then—pouf!’” There followed the impatient, boyish wriggle and hunch of the lithe shoulders.

  • Tt7ll be all over.” It wasn’t all over.”

“For me it has never been over. Not for a single minute.” “Have you wanted me so much?” Beneath the conscious coquetry there was a more wistful note. “Oh, God, Pat!”? His voice sounded thick and rough, “There has been no colour or savour, no music or fra-

grance in life without you.” “Why did you go away?” she demanded accusingly. “You know, I had to go.” “Why did you come back?” “Not to see you. I didn’t want to see you. Dee told me that you were away.” “She told me you were here. I’d phoned over about some clethes. So I just thought I’d like to see you again. Don’t scowl at me. You look as if you think I oughtn’t to have come,” 24]