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thin’ hard, and the Kid yelled once, and there was Mr. | James under the wheels. He'd seen the little girl and ©

he made a dive for her and shoved her out from under — just as E—I got him. It was the nerviest thing™—the man’s rough veice broke. “He must-a knowed he didn’t: have a chance. A—a—man’s thinkin’ Httle of himself te de thst for a Dago kid he never seen before.”

Dee was leaning forward with fixed stare and twitching — ips which barely formed the words: “Did Jim do that?™ “Yestm. He sure did. He'd oughta get the Carnegie medal for it.” “And the little girl?” said Pat, thrilled. “He saved her?*

The man shook a doleful head. “He shoved her out from under my wheels and she rolled right into a track passin’ the other way.” “Killed”

He nodded, speechiessly.

Dee burst inte laughter. taughed.

She laughed and laughed and