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ie Pat shook a mournful head. “No, never, Not a chance,

Haven't I told you? He'll live in a plaster cast the rest

of his life if he does live, I wouldn't! ... Pve had a hel of a time with Dee, Cary.” “Poor darling! Do you think Dee will want to see me?” “Yes. I'm sure she will. Perhaps not texday.” “Has this really turned her to James again, Pat?” “Has it made her really love him, you mean? How > could she? Women aren't that way. But all she can think of now is her remorse.” He paced along beside her in deep thought for a time before he said: “Was there any other reason for her leaving him?” “The other man?”

She gave him a quick look.

pose that had something to do with it.

“I sup-

Cary, was it a

rotten trick for Dee to marry Jimmie?”

“Tm afraid it was, rather,

Poor child!

She's paying

for it.” “Do women always pay for it?” “No. Sometimes the men do.”

“You know Dee’s man, don’t you?” “Yes.” “Do you know where he is now?"

“Not at this momeat.

But I know he is intending te

come back here in a few days.” “To see Dee?” “Tm afraid so.” “He mustn*t.” “No; he mustn't.”

“Can*t you stop him?” “Jf I can reach hm.” “Cary, you must stop him.” “Ts she still in love with him?” “Terribly.”