Page:Flaming Youth black on red.pdf/274

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“Sometimes I wonder if it is.


Tedoesnt seemtos


“You're a phantasm yourself,” said he jealously.


never quite grasp and held you.” “Yet I belong to you, don't I? Or isthat just a— a silly form of words that hasnt any real meaning?” ~ “T's a phrase. You belong to yourself. You always

will. There's that quality of the eternally unattainable, the eternally virginal, about you” “Is there? T love te have you say that! Do you fralg think it, Cary?"

“In the depths of my heart—where you livre” “Bat it wouldn't be so if we were married.” “Tt would always be so, my darling.”

Ever keenly interested in her own character and ita reflex upon others, she took this under thoughtful consideration. “Ive never felt that I could really belong te anyhedy. Not even to you. If I could think it, then perhaps Fd want to marry you. Does that mean that I don’t love yeu, Cary?

Or what?”

“Not as I love you,” he replied with gloomy patience, “Tt means that Fre got to wait.”

“Here? she flashed at him with her bewiklering smile, “But you've been threatening te go away again” . “I ought to.“ he groaned. “I just haven't the will power. Ft would be ike giving up hope to kare you now

“Poor darling

But there was a touch of mockery ia

her pity. “Tf it weren't so termbly dangerous for you.”

Her prood little head went up. “I teld you leng age that I always did what I wanted. Hf i take’ Cea willing te pay for#. Pm not af