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“Yes, He used to visit in Dorrisdale. Do you?” “Quite well. Everyone on the inside in Europe knows © him; he’s one of the men who are doing big things under ~ the surface at the conference.” “Tell me,” urged Pat as they left the place.

He sketched Scott’s career as confidential adviser to several of the most important of the protagonists in that Titans’ struggle. ‘“He’s a sort of liaison officer, knowing France and this country as he does. He’s had a rather rough time of it, lately, poor chap.” “Ts he ill?”

Pat had a struggle to control her voice.

“No. A domestic smash. His wife—that was—is a demonish sort of female. However, he’s got well rid of her now. To be accurate, he let her get rid of him. Over-decent of him, all things considered.” “Perhaps she had cause, too.” Pat hated herself as she said it. But she craved to know. ‘Nothing of that kind,” was the positive reply. “Scott has been living like an anchorite. They say he was hard hit here in America, As to that, I don’t know. Certainly he has been devoting himself to his work with no room for any other devotion. Which is more than can be said of his ex-wife.” “TI never met her,” Pat heard her voice saying, and quite admired it for its tone of casual interest. ‘She didn’t come to Dorrisdale.” “Speaking of Dorrisdale. I’m at Washington for a tvhile. Mayn’t I run up to see you?” “No. I’m afraid not.” “That’s a little—disappointing.” “You see, I’m going to be terribly busy until my wedding.”



All my felicitations.

I didn’t know.”