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“Yes; I know,” said he. “How could you know?” “Pat told me about young Graves.” “What! The whole thing?” “So far as I could judge, she didn’t leave out much.” “Why did she tell you? Confession? Remorse?” “Not in the least. She enjoyed the telling. She’s very feminine, that child. And very curious about herself.” “I hope to God she isn’t developing my temperament,” reflected the downright Mona after a pause. “It would be a dismal joke if the ugly duckling of the flock had that wished on her. Poor, pimply little gnome.” “Ugly? I wouldn’t be too sure. “The fairy prince from Princeton seems to have been quite captivated with her.” “And she with him.” “That of course. It was a very awakening kiss fox her.” “Does she realise——” “She said, ‘Bobs, it made me go weak ali over. Is chloroform like that?” ‘“Diverting notion! What did you tell her?” “T told her that it wasn’t, precisely. Then she said,

‘What does it mean?? And I said that it might mean danger.” “She wouldn’t understand that. I’ve never talked to her.” Mona, like many women of broad and easy attitude toward sex relations in so far as went her own life, had

a reticence in discussing them with other women. “Yes; “Yes;

she would. Pat’s over twelve, you know.” I know. But does she?”

“Perfectly.” “Why? She didn’t say anything 2? “No; she didn’t go into the physico-psycho-analysis