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FLAMING “You and Fred?





“Conl” “I know. But I was so sick.” “At the party?” “No. I wasn’t any worse than the rest. Everyone was going strong. Emslie had a wonder!” “What will he think?”

  • Fe’s done his thinking,” returned the beauty obstinately. “He pulled a rotten grouch because I danced too

much with Freddie at the club, and after we got to the Grants’ he wouldn’t pay any attention to anything but the punch. Not that I cared. I was enjoying life with Freddie.

So we decided to pull out at two o’clock.”

“Yes; but if you were all right then “I was until we got into his car. Then the punch hit me. It was the change into the air, I suppose. I went all to pieces, just as we were passing his apartment. So he took me in there. It wasn’t his fault. I was terribly sick and then awfully sleepy, and when I woke up——” “Woke up?” “Yes. Fred was bathing my face and telling me that I had to pull myself together and go home. . . . What are you looking at me that way for, Dee?” she concluded plaintively.

“Con, did anything happen?” “Anything happen?” repeated the other in a dreamy voice. “I—I—don’t know.” “You don’t know! You must know.” “Yes: I would, wouldn’t 1? Though I was completely sunk. Anything might have happened,” said she, slowly _ nodding her lovely hair-beclouded head. “Con! Think!” urged Dee with impatient anxiety.